Bernardo Cortese

Sirolimus-Coated Balloon in an All-Comer Population of Coronary Artery Disease Patients: The EASTBOURNE Prospective Registry

EASTBOURNE è un registro prospettico, il più grande mai fatto con pallone medicato, e mostra la sicurezza ed efficacia del Magic Touch, il primo pallone a eluizione di sirolimus che è stato commercializzato in Europa. Vorrei sottolineare che lo studio è completamente “investigator driven” con fondi impiegati solo per la creazione della eCRF e dell’analisi statistica, per cui il suo messaggio deriva dalla collaborazione spontanea di numerosi sperimentatori (un’ottantina) provenienti da 48 centri europei e asiatici. Quindi, a differenza di altri studi similari, non si tratta di studio sponsorizzato e questo, a mio avviso, rafforza il suo messaggio. Il dispositivo, impiegato in 2.440 lesioni coronariche, ha mostrato un tasso di TLR a un anno del 5.9% e nessun caso di occlusione precoce o tardiva del vaso. I risultati a 2 anni, presentati nel corso di EuroPCR 2023, sono in corso di pubblicazione…


Long-Term Outcome of Drug-Coated Balloon vs Drug-Eluting Stent for Small Coronary Vessels: PICCOLETO-II 3-Year Follow-Up.

Background: Native vessel coronary artery disease represents 1 of the most attractive fields of application for drug-coated balloons (DCBs). To date, several devices have been compared with drug-eluting stents (DESs) in this setting with different outcomes.

Objectives: The authors sought to compare the short- and long-term performance of the paclitaxel DCB with the everolimus-eluting stent in patients with de novo lesions in small coronary vessel disease.

Methods: PICCOLETO II (Drug Eluting Balloon Efficacy for Small Coronary Vessel Disease Treatment) was an academic, international, investigator-driven, multicenter, open-label randomized clinical trial in which patients were allocated to a DCB (n=118) or DES (n=114). We previously reported the superiority of DCBs regarding in-lesion late lumen loss at 6 months. Herein we report the final 3-year clinical follow-up with the occurrence of major adverse cardiac events (MACEs), a composite of cardiac death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, target lesion revascularization, and its individual components. Results: The 3-year clinical follow-up (median 1,101 days; IQR: 1,055-1,146 days) was available for 102 patients allocated to DCB and 101 to DES treatment. The cumulative rate of all-cause death (4% vs 3.9%; P=0.98), cardiac death (1% vs 1.9%; P=0.56), myocardial infarction (6.9% vs 2%; P=0.14), and target lesion revascularization (14.8% vs 8.8%; P=0.18) did not significantly differ between DCBs and DESs. MACEs and acute vessel occlusion occurred more frequently in the DES group (20.8% vs 10.8% [P=0.046] and 4% vs 0% [P= 0.042], respectively).

Conclusions: The long-term clinical follow-up of the PICCOLETO II randomized clinical trial shows a higher risk of MACEs in patients with de novo lesions in small vessel disease when they are treated with the current-generation DES compared with the new-generation paclitaxel DCB. (Drug Eluting Balloon Efficacy for Small Coronary Vessel Disease Treatment [PICCOLETO II].


Bypass aortocoronarico (CABG) o angioplastica coronarica (PCI) nelle stenosi del tronco comune della coronaria sinistra (LM): per questo annoso problema è possibile raggiungere una soluzione condivisa?

Sono stati condotti quattro studi (SYNTAX LEFT MAIN: 705 pazienti; PRECOMBAT 600 pazienti, NOBLE 1.201 pazienti; EXCEL 1.905 pazienti) per dare una risposta al quesito posto dal titolo. I risultati di questi trial non sono stati tuttavia concordanti e hanno dato vita a un’accesa discussione (se non aspra contesa) tra cardiochirurghi e cardiologi interventisti. Le meta-analisi, sin qui effettuate, hanno utilizzato solo i dati aggregati dei vari trial e non i dati dei singoli pazienti, non hanno distinto tra infarti spontanei e peri-procedurali (questi ultimi peraltro diagnosticati con criteri differenti) e non hanno considerato un periodo di follow-up adeguato (almeno 5 anni).


Optical coherence tomography, intravascular ultrasound o angiography guidance for distal left main coronary stentig. The ROCK sohort II study.

Objectives: To test the safety and efficacy of intravascular imaging and specifically optical coherence tomography (OCT) as a diagnostic tool for left main angioplasty and analyze the mid-term outcome accordingly.

Background: Clinical data and international guidelines recommend the use of intravascular imaging ultrasound (IVUS) to guide left main (LM) angioplasty. Despite early experience using OCT in this setting is encouraging, the evidence supporting its use is still limited.

Methods: ROCK II is a multicenter, investigatordriven, retrospective European study to compare the performance of IVUS and OCT versus angiography in patients undergoing distal-LM stenting. The primary study endpoint was target-lesion failure (TLF) including cardiac death, target-vessel myocardial infarction and target-lesion revascularization. We designed this study hypothesizing the superiority of intravascular imaging over angiographic guidance alone, and the non-inferiority of OCT versus IVUS.

Results: A total of 730 patients, 377 with intravascular-imaging guidance (162 OCT, 215 IVUS) and 353 with angiographic guidance, were analyzed. The one-year rate of TLF was 21.2% with angiography and 12.7% with intravascularimaging (p=0.039), with no difference between OCT and IVUS (p=0.26). Intravascular-imaging was predictor of freedom from TLF (HR 0.46; 95% CI 0.23-0.93: p=0.03). Propensity-score matching identified three groups of 100 patients each with no significant differences in baseline characteristics. The one-year rate of TLF was 16% in the angiographic, 7% in the OCT and 6% in the IVUS group, respectively (p=0.03 for IVUS or OCT vs. angiography). No between-group significant differences in the rate of individual components of TLF were found.

Conclusions: Intravascular imaging was superior to angiography for distal LM stenting, with no difference between OCT and IVUS.

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