Damiano Regazzoli

Stenosi aortica severa con anulus piccolo: TAVI o chirurgia?

Nei pazienti con stenosi aortica severa e anulus aortico piccolo, non si è osservata alcuna differenza di outcome a breve o medio termine (2 anni) o di emodinamica valvolare tra i pazienti sottoposti a TAVI o SAVR. La scelta tra le due procedure dovrà perciò riguardare altre caratteristiche di rischio e la preferenza del paziente. Vanno considerati tuttavia i limiti dello studio, in particolare la ridotta casistica.


Prosthesis-patient mismatch after transcatheter implantation of contemporary balloon-expandable and self-exspandable valves in small aortic annuli

Background: Evidence of clinical impact of PPM after TAVI is conflicting and might vary according to the type of valve implanted.

Aims: To assess the clinical impact of prosthesispatient mismatch (PPM) after transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) with balloon-expandable (BEV) and self-expandable valves (SEV) in patients with small annuli.


Anticoagulante durante PCI primaria: bivalirudina o eparina?

Gli studi di confronto tra eparina non frazionata (UFH) e bivalirudina (BIVA – un inibitore diretto della trombina con breve emivita), in pazienti STEMI sottoposti a PCI primaria sono stati condizionati da numerosi fattori che hanno contribuito all’esito dei trial. La sequenza degli studi di confronto ha mostrato come UFH debba essere utilizzata in monoterapia, mentre BIVA debba essere somministrata proseguendo l’infusione anche al termine della procedura di PCI.


Implantation of contemporary transchatheter aortic valves in small aortic annuli: the international multicentre TAVI-SMALL 2 registry

Background: Treatment of aortic stenosis in patients with small annuli is challenging and can result in prosthesis-patient mismatch (PPM).

Aims: We aimed to compare the forward flow haemodynamics and clinical outcomes of contemporary transcatheter valves in patients with small annuli.

Methods: The TAVI-SMALL 2 international retrospective registry included 1,378 patients with severe aortic stenosis and small annuli (annular perimeter <72 mm or area <400 mm2) treated with transfemoral self-expanding (SEV; n=1,092) and balloon-expandable valves (BEV; n=286) in 16 high-volume centres between 2011 and 2020. Analyses comparing SEV versus BEV and supra-annular (SAV; n=920) versus intraannular valves (IAV; n=458) included inverse probability of treatment weighting (IPTW). The primary endpoints were the predischarge mean aortic gradient and incidence of severe PPM. The secondary endpoint was the incidence of more than mild paravalvular leak (PVL).

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