Matteo Pagnesi

Insufficienza tricuspidalica severa isolata: quando intervenire?

L’insufficienza tricuspidalica severa (STR) isolata si associa a una prognosi spesso infausta. Le linee guida raccomandano l’intervento chirurgico quando il paziente è sintomatico e/o il ventricolo destro è dilatato con funzione non compromessa. . Tuttavia, c’è una certa riluttanza del clinico nel rivolgere il paziente all’intervento, sia perchè…


Incidence, Predictors, and Prognostic Impact of New Permanent Pacemaker Implantation After TAVR With Self-Expanding Valves.

Objectives: The authors sought to evaluate the incidence, predictors, and outcomes of new permanent pacemaker implantation (PPI) after transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) with contemporary self-expanding valves (SEV).

Background: Need for PPI is frequent post-TAVR, but conflicting data exist on new-generation SEV and on the prognostic impact of PPI.

Methods: This study included 3,211 patients enrolled in the multicenter NEOPRO (A Multicenter Comparison of Acurate NEO Versus Evolut PRO Transcatheter Heart Valves) and NEOPRO-2 (A Multicenter Comparison of ACURATE NEO2 Versus Evolut PRO/PRO+ Transcatheter Heart Valves 2) registries (January 2012 to December 2021) who underwent transfemoral TAVR with SEV. Implanted transcatheter heart valves (THV) were Acurate neo (n=1,090), Acurate neo2 (n=665), Evolut PRO (n=1,312), and Evolut PRO+ (n=144). Incidence and predictors of new PPI and 1-year outcomes were evaluated.

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