Pubblicazioni Top in Cardiologia


1.     Brugts JJ, Radhoe SP, Clephas PRD, Aydin D, van Gent MWF, Szymanski MK,  et  al.  Remote haemodynamic monitoring of pulmonary artery pressures in patients with chronic heart failure (MONITOR-HF): a randomised clinical trial. Lancet 2023;401: 2113–23.

Haemodynamic  monitoring substantially improved quality of life and reduced heart failure hospitalisations in patients with moderate-to-severe heart failure treated according to contemporary guidelines. These findings contribute to the aggregate evidence for this technology and might have implications for guideline recommendations and implementation of remote pulmonary artery pressure monitoring. 

2.     Mentz RJ, Anstrom KJ, Eisenstein EL, Sapp S, Greene SJ, Morgan S, et al. Effect of torsemide vs furosemide after discharge on all-cause mortality in patients hospitalized with heart failure: the TRANSFORM-HF randomized clinical trial. JAMA 2023;329:214–23.

Among patients discharged after hospitalization for heart failure, torsemide compared with furosemide did not result in a significant difference in all-cause mortality over 12 months. However, interpretation of these findings is limited by loss to follow-up and participant crossover and nonadherence.

3. Yeoh S E, Osmanska J, Petrie MC, Brooksbank KJM, Clark AL, Docherty KF, et al. Dapagliflozin versus metolazone in heart failure resistant to loop diuretics. Eur Heart J 2023;44:2966–77.

In patients with heart failure and loop diuretic resistance, dapagliflozin was not more effective at relieving congestion than metolazone. Patients assigned to dapagliflozin received a larger cumulative dose of furosemide but  experienced less biochemical upset than those assigned to metolazone.


The year in cardiovascular medicine 2023: the top 10 papers in interventional cardiology

1. Rajkumar CA, Foley MJ, Ahmed-Jushuf F, Nowbar AN, Simader FA, Davies JR, et al. A placebo-controlled trial of percutaneous coronary intervention for stable angina. Among patients with stable angina who were receiving little or no antianginal medication and had objective evidence of ischemia, PCI resulted in a lower angina symptom score than a placebo procedure, indicating a better health status with respect to angina.

2. Biscaglia S, Guiducci V, Escaned J, Moreno R, Lanzilotti V, Santarelli A, et al. Complete or culprit-only PCI in older patients with myocardial infarction. N Engl J Med 2023;389: 889–98. Among patients who were 75 years of age or older with myocardial infarction and multivessel disease, those who underwent physiology-guided complete revascularization had a lower risk of a composite of death, myocardial infarction, stroke, or ischemiadriven revascularization at 1 year than those who received culprit-lesion–only PCI.

3. Ali ZA, Landmesser U, Maehara A, Matsumura M, Shlofmitz RA, Guagliumi G, et al. Optical coherence tomographyguided versus angiography-guided PCI. N Engl J Med 2023;389:1466–76. Among patients undergoing PCI, OCT guidance resulted in a larger minimum stent area than angiography guidance, but there was no apparent between-group difference in the percentage of patients with targetvessel failure at 2 years.


The year in cardiovascular medicine 2022: the top 10 papers in arrhythmias

The year in cardiovascular medicine 2022: the top 10 papers in arrhythmias.
1. Zeppenfeld K, Tfelt-Hansen J, de Riva M, Winkel BG, Behr ER, Blom NA, et al. 2022 ESC guidelines for the management of patients with ventricular arrhythmias and the prevention of sudden cardiac death.
Eur Heart J 2022;43:3997–4126. eurheartj/ehac262 This document presents an update of the 2015 ESC Guidelines for the management of patients with ventricular arrhythmias and the prevention of sudden cardiac death.

2. Marrouche NF, Wazni O, McGann C, Greene T, Dean JM, Dagher L, et al. Effect of MRI-guided fibrosis ablation vs conventional catheter ablation on atrial arrhythmia recurrence in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation: the
DECAAF II randomized clinical trial.
JAMA 2022;327:2296–2305.
Among patients with persistent atrial fibrillation (AF), MRI-guided fibrosis ablation plus pulmonary veins isolation (PVI), compared with PVI catheter ablation only, resulted in no significant difference in atrial arrhythmia
recurrence. Findings do not support the use of MRI-guided fibrosis ablation for the treatment of persistent AF.

3. 3. Cerrone M, Marrón-Liñares GM, van Opbergen CJM, Costa S, Bourfiss M, Pérez-Hernández M, et al. Role of plakophilin-2 expression on exercise-related progression of arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy: a translational study. Eur Heart J 2022;43:1251–1264. https:// We speculate that exercise challenges a
cardiomyocyte “desmosomal reserve” which, if impaired genetically (e.g., PKP2 loss), accelerates progression of cardiomyopathy.


The year in cardiovascular medicine 2022: the top 10 papers in valvular heart disease

1. Delgado-Lista J, Alcala-Diaz JF, Torres- Peña JD, Quintana-Navarro GM, Fuentes F, Garcia-Rios A, et al. Long-term secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease with a Mediterranean diet and a low-fat diet (CORDIOPREV): a randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2022;399:1876–1885. In secondary prevention, the Mediterranean diet was superior to the low-fat diet in preventing major cardiovascular events. Our results are relevant to clinical practice, supporting the use of the Mediterranean diet in secondary prevention.

2. Zhao B, Gan L, Graubard BI, Männistö S, Albanes D, Huang J. Associations of dietary cholesterol, Serum cholesterol, and egg consumption with overall and cause-specific mortality: systematic review and updated meta-analysis. Circulation 2022;145: 1506–1520. CIRCULATIONAHA.121.057642.  In this prospective cohort study and updated meta-analysis, greater dietary cholesterol and egg consumption were associated with increased risk of overall and CVD-related mortality. Our findings support restricted consumption of dietary cholesterol as a means to improve long-term health and longevity.


The year in cardiovascular medicine 2022: The top 10 papers in acute cardiac care and ischaemic heart disease

The year in cardiovascular medicine 2022: The top 10 papers in acute cardiac care and ischaemic heart disease. 1. Maslove DM, Tang B, Shankar-Hari M, Lawler PR, Angus DC, Baillie JK, et al. Redefining  critical illness. Nat Med 2022;28:1141–1148. Critical illness needs to be reframed. Owing to the rapid changes and multi-organ manifestations seen in critical illness, it is likely to be more complicated and to take a correspondingly greater effort than the precedents of oncology and cardiology.


The year in cardiovascular medicine 2022: the top 10 papers in heart failure and cardiomyopathies

1. Voors AA, Angermann CE, Teerlink JR, Collins SP, Kosiborod M, Biegus J, et al. The SGLT2 inhibitor empagliflozin in patients hospitalized for acute heart failure: a multinational randomized trial. Nat Med 2022;28:568–574. 021-01659-1. The results suggest that the initiation of empagliflozin as part of usual care in patients who are hospitalized for acute heart failure will result in a clinically meaningful benefit in 90 days without safety concerns.

2. Solomon SD, McMurray JJV, Claggett B, de Boer RA, DeMets D, Hernandez AF, et al. Dapagliflozin in heart failure with mildly reduced and preserved ejection fraction. N Engl J Med 2022;387:1089–1098. Dapagliflozin reduced the combined risk of worsening heart failure or cardiovascular death among patients with heart failure and a mildly reduced or preserved ejection fraction.

3. Jhund PS, Kondo T, Butt JH, Docherty KF, Claggett BL, Desai AS, et al. Dapagliflozin and outcomes across the range of ejection fraction in patients with heart failure: a pooled analysis of DAPA-HF and DELIVER. Nat Med 2022 (9):1956-1964. https://doi. org/10. 1038/s41591-022-01971-4. In a patient-level pooled meta-analysis covering the full range of ejection fractions in patients with heart failure, dapagliflozin reduced the risk of death from cardiovascular causes and hospital admissions for heart failure.


Pubblicazioni Top in medicina cardiovascolare nel 2022: cardiovascular imaging

1. Brener MI, Lurz P, Hausleiter J, Rodés-Cabau J, Fam N, Kodali SK, et al. Right ventricularpulmonary arterial coupling and afterload reserve in patients undergoing transcatheter tricuspid valve repair. J Am Coll Cardiol 2022;79:448–461. jacc. 2021.11.031. Right ventricular-Pulmonary arterial coupling is a powerful, independent predictor of allcause mortality in patients with tricuspid regurgitation undergoing transcatheter tricuspid valve repair. These data suggest that the TAPSE/Pulmonary artery systolic pressure ratio can inform patient selection and prognostication following transcatheter tricuspid valve repair.

2. Cahill TJ, Pibarot P, Yu X, Babaliaros V, Blanke P, Clavel MA, et al. Impact of right ventriclepulmonary artery coupling on clinical outcomes in the PARTNER 3 trial. JACC Cardiovasc Interv 2022;15:1823–1833. jcin.2022.07.005. In patients with symptomatic severe aortic stenosis at low surgical risk undergoing trans-catheter aortic valve replacement or surgical aortic valve replacement, baseline right ventricle – Pulmonary artery uncoupling defined by TAPSE/Pulmonary artery systoli pressure ≤0.55 mm Hg-was associated with adverse clinical outcomes at 2 years, including all-cause mortality, cardiovascular mortality, and rehospitalization.

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