Sindrome coronarica cronica

Trends in age-specific and sex-specific pulmonary hypertension mortality in Italy between 2005 and 2017

I dati sulla mortalità correlata all’ipertensione polmonare (PH), e i relativi trend nel tempo restano limitati e rappresentano l’oggetto della presente analisi. Mediante il database globale dell’OMS, sono stati calcolati i dati relativi alla mortalità causa-specifica e alla dimensione della popolazione interessata stratificata per sesso. In Italia, il tasso di mortalità annuale per PH standardizzato per età è diminuito da 2.34 (95% CI: 2.32-2.36) decessi per 100.000 abitanti a 1.51 (95% CI: 1.48-1.53) decessi per 100.000 abitanti. Nell’intero periodo, gli uomini hanno avuto tassi di mortalità correlati alla PH più elevati rispetto alle donne. L’analisi di regressione ha rivelato una diminuzione lineare significativa della mortalità per PH standardizzata per età dal 2005 al 2017 nell’intera popolazione italiana. Tuttavia, il calo è stato più pronunciato tra gli uomini rispetto alle donne. In conclusione, i tassi di mortalità correlati alla PH sono diminuiti linearmente dal 2005 al 2017 nella popolazione italiana.


Dual antiplatelet therapy duration after percutaneous coronary intervention in high bleeding risk: a meta-analysis of randomized trials.

Aims: The optimal duration of dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in patients at high bleeding risk (HBR) is still debated. The current study, using the totality of existing evidence, evaluated the impact of an abbreviated DAPT regimen in HBR patients.

Methods and results: A systematic review and meta-analysis was performed to search randomized clinical trials comparing abbreviated [i.e. very-short (1 month) or short (3 months)] with standard (≥6 months) DAPT in HBR patients without indication for oral anticoagulation. A total of 11 trials, including 9006 HBR patients, were included. Abbreviated DAPT reduced major or clinically relevant nonmajor bleeding [risk ratio (RR): 0.76, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.61-0.94; I2=28%], major bleeding (RR: 0.80, 95% CI: 0.64-0.99, I2=0%), and cardiovascular mortality (RR: 0.79, 95% CI: 0.65-0.95, I2=0%) compared with standard DAPT. No difference in all-cause mortality, major adverse cardiovascular events, myocardial infarction, or stent thrombosis was observed. Results were consistent, irrespective of HBR definition and clinical presentation.

Conclusion: In HBR patients undergoing PCI, a 1 or 3 month abbreviated DAPT regimen was associated with lower bleeding and cardiovascular mortality, without increasing ischaemic events, compared with a ≥6-month DAPT regimen.


Association of statin pretreatment with presentation characteristics, infarct size and outcome in older patients with acute coronary syndrome: the Eldery ACS-2 trial.

Background: prior statin treatment has been shown to have favourable effects on shortand long-term prognosis in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). There are limited data in older patients. The aim of this study was to investigate the association of previous statin therapy and presentation characteristics, infarct size and clinical outcome in older patients, with or without atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), included in the Elderly-ACS 2 trial.

Methods: data on statin use pre-admission were available for 1,192 of the 1,443 patients enrolled in the original trial. Of these, 531 (44.5%) were already taking statins. Patients were stratified based on established ASCVD and statin therapy. ACS was classified as non-ST elevation or ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Infarct size was measured by peak creatine kinase MB (CK-MB). All-cause death in-hospital and within 1 year were the major end points.

Results: there was a significantly lower frequency of STEMI in statin patients, in both ASCVD and No-ASCVD groups. Peak CK-MB levels were lower in statin users (10 versus 25 ng/ml, P< 0.0001). There was lower all-cause death in-hospital and within 1 year for subjects with ASCVD already on statins independent of other baseline variables. There were no differences in all-cause death for No-ASCVD patients whether or not on statins. Conclusions: statin pretreatment was associated with more favourable ACS presentation and lower myocardial damage in older ACS patients both ASCVD and No-ASCVD. The incidence of all-cause death (in-hospital and within 1 year) was significantly lower in the statin treated ASCVD patients.


La rivascolarizzazione miocardica elettiva in aggiunta alla terapia medica è in grado di ridurre la mortalità cardiovascolare rispetto alla sola terapia medica?

Quale sia la strategia migliore per il trattamento dei pazienti con sindrome coronarica cronica è tuttora oggetto di controversia. Lo studio ISCHEMIA ha randomizzato 5.179 con ischemia miocardica, almeno moderato-severa, documentata da uno stress test a una strategia di coronarografia e rivascolarizzazione, associata a terapia medica ottimale in confronto alla sola terapia medica ottimale, non dimostrando alcuna differenza nell’endpoint composito (morte cardiovascolare, infarto miocardico, necessità di ospedalizzazione per instabilizzazione clinica, scompenso cardiaco o arresto cardiaco risuscitato) a un follow-up mediano di 3.2 anni ((Maron DJ, Hochman JS, Reynolds HR, et al. ISCHEMIA Research Group. Initial invasive or conservative strategy for stable coronary disease. N Engl J Med 2020;382:1395–1407.)).

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