Patogenesi ed eventi clinici nelle sindromi coronariche acute: erosione verso rottura di placca

Le sindromi coronariche acute sono causate dalla rottura di una placca aterosclerotica con secondaria formazione del trombo; tuttavia, in un terzo dei casi studiati con Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), il cap fibroso appare intatto e la causa del trombo risiede in una erosione della placca culprit((Quillard T, Franck G, Mawson T, Folco E, Libby P. Mechanisms of erosion of atherosclerotic plaques. Curr Opin Lipidol2017;28:434–441. https://doi.org/10.1097/MOL.)). In questi casi l’infiltrato leucocitario è minore, i livelli di proteina C e di infiammazione sistemica meno elevati rispetto alla classica rottura di placca((Nakajima A, Sugiyama T, Araki M, et al. Plaque rupture, compared with plaque erosion, is associated with a higher level of pancoronary inflammation. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging 2022;15:828–839. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcmg.2021.10.014.)). Non è noto se la diversa patogenesi dell’evento acuto possa avere ripercussioni sul rischio del paziente nella sua successiva storia clinica.


Predictors of Bail-out stenting in patients with small vessel disease treated with drug-coated balloon percutaneous coronary intervention

Background: Drug-coated balloons (DCBs) have shown comparable results with drugeluting stents in small vessel disease (SVD) percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in terms of target vessel revascularization and a reduced incidence of myocardial infarction. However, the relatively high rate of bail-out stenting (BOS) still represents a major drawback of DCB PCI.

Aims: The aim of the study was to investigate the clinical, anatomic, and procedural features predictive of BOS after DCB PCI in SVD.

Methods: We included all consecutive patients undergoing PCI at our institution between January 2020 and May 2022 who were treated with DCB PCI of a de novo lesion in a coronary vessel with a reference vessel diameter (RVD) between 2.0 and 2.5 mm. Angiographic success was defined as a residual stenosis <30% without flow-limiting dissection. Patients who did not meet these criteria underwent BOS.


Configuration of two-stent coronary bifurcation techniques in explanted beating hearts: the MOBBEM study

Background: In patients with complex coronary bifurcation lesions undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), various 2-stent techniques might be utilised. The Visible Heart Laboratories (VHL) offer an experimental environment where PCI results can be assessed by multimodality imaging.

Aims: We aimed to assess the post-PCI stent configuration achieved by 2-stent techniques in the VHL and to evaluate the procedural factors associated with suboptimal results.

Methods: Bifurcation PCI with 2-stent techniques, performed by expert operators in the VHL on explanted beating swine hearts, was studied. The adopted bifurcation PCI strategy and the specific procedural steps applied in each procedure were classified according to Main, Across, Distal, Side (MADS)-2 and to their adherence to the European Bifurcation Club (EBC) recommendations. Microcomputed tomography (micro-CT) was used to assess the post-PCI stent configuration. The primary endpoint was “suboptimal stent implantation”, defined as a composite of stent underexpansion (<90%), side branch ostial area stenosis >50% and the gap between stents.


Riserva frazionale di flusso coronarico (FFR) misurata mediante optical coherence tomography (OCT): è capace di predire gli eventi avversi cardiovascolari?

L’OCT è una tecnica di imaging intravascolare che permette una valutazione anatomica dei vasi coronarici. Osservazioni recenti hanno suggerito un’applicazione di questa metodica anche per la valutazione fisiopatologica delle stenosi coronariche (OCT-FFR), utilizzando equazioni di dinamica dei fluidi, sulla base di una correlazione con la FFR determinata con la guidina pressoria. Non ci sono ancora dati, tuttavia sulla capacità di questa tecnica di predire successivi eventi avversi cardiovascolari.


Optical coherence tomography, intravascular ultrasound o angiography guidance for distal left main coronary stentig. The ROCK sohort II study.

Objectives: To test the safety and efficacy of intravascular imaging and specifically optical coherence tomography (OCT) as a diagnostic tool for left main angioplasty and analyze the mid-term outcome accordingly.

Background: Clinical data and international guidelines recommend the use of intravascular imaging ultrasound (IVUS) to guide left main (LM) angioplasty. Despite early experience using OCT in this setting is encouraging, the evidence supporting its use is still limited.

Methods: ROCK II is a multicenter, investigatordriven, retrospective European study to compare the performance of IVUS and OCT versus angiography in patients undergoing distal-LM stenting. The primary study endpoint was target-lesion failure (TLF) including cardiac death, target-vessel myocardial infarction and target-lesion revascularization. We designed this study hypothesizing the superiority of intravascular imaging over angiographic guidance alone, and the non-inferiority of OCT versus IVUS.

Results: A total of 730 patients, 377 with intravascular-imaging guidance (162 OCT, 215 IVUS) and 353 with angiographic guidance, were analyzed. The one-year rate of TLF was 21.2% with angiography and 12.7% with intravascularimaging (p=0.039), with no difference between OCT and IVUS (p=0.26). Intravascular-imaging was predictor of freedom from TLF (HR 0.46; 95% CI 0.23-0.93: p=0.03). Propensity-score matching identified three groups of 100 patients each with no significant differences in baseline characteristics. The one-year rate of TLF was 16% in the angiographic, 7% in the OCT and 6% in the IVUS group, respectively (p=0.03 for IVUS or OCT vs. angiography). No between-group significant differences in the rate of individual components of TLF were found.

Conclusions: Intravascular imaging was superior to angiography for distal LM stenting, with no difference between OCT and IVUS.


Quale la causa dell’infarto a coronarie indenni da lesioni ostruttive? Cosa ci possono insegnare l’OCT e la risonanza magnetica cardiaca.

Una diagnosi di infarto miocardico in assenza di lesioni ostruttive coronariche (MINOCA) viene posta in pazienti, soprattutto di sesso femminile, con percentuali variabili tra il 6% e il 15% di tutti gli infarti. Il quadro clinico non è sempre chiaro e può essere confuso con condizioni che non hanno una causa ischemica, come le miocarditi.

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