paziente SCA

Thrombotic risk in patients with acute coronary syndromes discharged on prasugrel or clopidogrel: results from the PROMETHEUS study

Aims: Based on recent clinical data, the 2020 ESC guidelines on non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS) suggest to tailor antithrombotic strategy on individual thrombotic risk. Nonetheless, prevalence and prognostic impact of the high thrombotic risk (HTR) criteria proposed are yet to be described. In this analysis from the PROMETHEUS registry, we assessed prevalence and prognostic impact of HTR, defined according to the 2020 ESC NSTE-ACS guidelines, and if the benefits associated with prasugrel vs. clopidogrel vary with thrombotic risk.


Linee Guida ESC 2020 “non-st segment elevation acute coronary syndromes”

Una delle novità più importanti (e attese) del recente congresso virtuale ESC è stata la presentazione delle Linee Guida nelle Sindromi Coronariche Acute senza sopraslivellamento permanente del tratto ST (NSTE-ACS). In proposito abbiamo posto alcune domande a Marco Valgimigli, cardiologo interventista di fama internazionale che ha condotto numerosi trial in questo ambito clinico.

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