Studi clinici randomizzati citati a supporto delle linee guida delle sindromi coronariche acute: quanto sono rappresentativi dei pazienti del mondo reale?

Le raccomandazioni delle Linee Guida si basano sull’evidenza proveniente da studi randomizzati (RCT) che hanno testato varie ipotesi strategiche e terapeutiche. Tuttavia, per essere estese a tutti i pazienti, le Linee Guida devono basarsi su studi che abbiano una ampia rappresentatività dei pazienti incontrati nel mondo reale. È noto, invece, che alcune tipologie di pazienti non sono inclusi negli studi randomizzati, soprattutto soggetti di sesso femminile e anziani.


Mortalità ospedaliera nello STEMI in tempi di COVID negli Stati Uniti: quale prezzo è stato pagato?

La relazione tra outcome dei pazienti ricoverati per STEMI e tempistica della riperfusione è ben nota e ribadita nei documenti delle Società scientifiche internazionali, che raccomandano obbiettivi di tempo specifici per ottimizzare il trattamento in questi pazienti. La pandemia di Covid-19 ha causato importanti problemi organizzativi agli ospedali e generato timori dei pazienti, inducendo ritardi nell’accesso alle strutture di Pronto Soccorso. Negli Stati Uniti è stato calcolato un eccesso di 116.000 eventi fatali per cause cardiovascolari secondarie alla pandemia. Un’analisi delle tempistiche e dell’outcome osservati nei pazienti STEMI in tempo di Covid, rispetto agli standard degli anni precedenti, è perciò di notevole interesse.


Transient vs In-Hospital Persistent Acute Kidney Injury in Patients With Acute Coronary Syndrome.

Il nostro studio è focalizzato sull’impatto prognostico della persistenza di danno renale residuo in seguito all’insufficienza renale acuta (AKI) nei pazienti con sindrome coronarica acuta (ACS) sottoposti a una strategia invasiva. Ci sono solide evidenze in letteratura che dimostrano come l’insorgenza di AKI nei pazienti sottoposti a coronarografia e/o angioplastica percutanea (PCI) si associ a un rischio maggiore di eventi avversi fatali e non fatali.


Clinical governance of patients with acute coronary syndromes.

Aims: Using the principles of clinical governance, a patient-centred approach intended to promote holistic quality improvement, we designed a prospective, multicentre study in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). We aimed to verify and quantify consecutive inclusion and describe relative and absolute effects of indicators of quality for diagnosis and therapy.


Multivessel vs. culprit-only percutaneous coronary intervention strategy in older adults with acute myocardial infarction.

Background: The optima revascularization strategy for senior patients admitted with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in the context of multivessel coronary artery disease (MVCAD) remains unclear. We aimed to compare a strategy of culprit-vessel (CV) vs. multi-vessel percutaneous coronary intervention (MV-PCI) in older adults (≥75 years) with AMI.

Methods: We analyzed four randomized controlled trials designed to include older adults with AMI. The primary endpoint was all-cause death. The secondary endpoint was the composite of all-cause death, myocardial infarction, stroke and major bleeding (Net Adverse Clinical Events, NACE). A nonparsimonious propensity score and nearestneighbor matching was performed to account for bias.

Results: A total of 1,334 trial participants were included; of them, 770 (57.7%) underwent CV-PCI and 564 (42.3%) a MV-PCI strategy. After a median follow-up of 365 days, patients treated with MV-PCI experienced a lower rate of death (6.0% vs. 9.9%; p=0.01) and of NACE (11.2% vs. 15.5%; p=0.016). After multivariable analysis, MV-PCI was independently associated with a lower hazard of death (hazard ratio [HR]:0.65; 95% confidence interval [CI]:0.42- 0.96; p=0.03) and NACE (NACE 0.72[0.53- 0.98]; p=0.04). These results were confirmed in a matched propensity analysis, were consistent throughout the spectrum of older age and when analyzed by subgroups and when immortaltime bias was considered.

Conclusions: In the setting of older adults with MVCAD who were managed invasively for AMI, a MV-PCI strategy to pursue complete revascularization was associated with better survival and lower risk of NACE compared to a CV-PCI. Adequately sized RCTs are required to confirm these findings.


Infarto miocardico di tipo 2: la prognosi è differente da quella dell’infarto di tipo 1?

L’infarto miocardico di tipo 2 (T2MI), definito in accordo con la quarta Universal Definition of Myocardial Infarction (UDMI) è causato da condizioni cliniche che determinano un “mismatch” tra apporto e consumo di ossigeno, quali tachicardia, ipotensione, crisi ipertensive. Nonostante il quadro fisiopatologico sia ben distinto dall’infarto miocardico di tipo 1 (T1MI), vi sono ancora incertezze riguardo al trattamento e alla prognosi di questa tipologia di infarto miocardico.


Ticagrelor o clopidogrel nelle sindromi coronariche acute? dati del mondo reale.

La scelta dell’inibitore del recettore P2Y12 da associare all’ASA nei pazienti con sindrome coronarica acuta (ACS), è tuttora oggetto di controversia. Lo studio PLATO, pubblicato nel 2009, ha mostrato che ticagrelor rispetto a clopidogrel ha ridotto gli eventi trombotici e la mortalità cardiovascolare, pur aumentando contemporaneamente le complicanze emorragiche. Tuttavia, studi e analisi successive non hanno confermato tale superiorità. Inoltre, i pazienti inseriti nei trial hanno caratteristiche cliniche e angiografiche differenti da quelli osservati nel mondo reale. Pare perciò necessaria una conferma dei risultati dei trial utilizzando dati osservazionali.


Gender Differences in Takotsubo Syndrome.

Background: Male sex in takotsubo syndrome (TTS) has a low incidence and it is still not well characterized.

Objectives: The aim of the present study is to describe TTS sex differences.

Methods: TTS patients enrolled in the international multicenter GEIST (GErman Italian Spanish Takotsubo) registry were analyzed. Comparisons between sexes were performed within the overall cohort and using an adjusted analysis with 1:1 propensity score matching for age, comorbidities, and kind of trigger.

Results: In total, 286 (11%) of 2,492 TTS patients were men. Male patients were younger (age 69 ± 13 years vs 71 ± 11 years; p= 0.005), with higher prevalence of comorbid conditions (diabetes mellitus 25% vs 19%; p= 0.01; pulmonary diseases 21% vs 15%; p= 0.006; malignancies 25% vs 13%; p< 0.001) and physical trigger (55 vs 32% p< 0.01). Propensity-score matching yielded 207 patients from each group. After 1:1 propensity matching, male patients had higher rates of cardiogenic shock and in-hospital mortality (16% vs 6% and 8% vs 3%, respectively; both p< 0.05). Long-term mortality rate was 4.3% per patient-year (men 10%, women 3.8%). Survival analysis showed higher mortality rate in men during the acute phase in both cohorts (overall: p< 0.001; matched: p= 0.001); mortality rate after 60 days was higher in men in the overall (p= 0.002) but not in the matched cohort (p= 0.541). Within the overall population, male sex remained independently associated with both in-hospital (OR: 2.26; 95% CI: 1.16-4.40) and long-term mortality (HR: 1.83; 95% CI: 1.32-2.52). Conclusions: Male TTS is featured by a distinct high-risk phenotype requiring close in-hospital monitoring and long-term follow-up.


Management of acute coronary syndromes in older adults

La presentazione clinica del paziente anziano con sindrome coronarica acuta è spesso caratterizzata dalla presenza di sindromi geriatriche. La Tabella mostra alcune definizioni delle più comuni. Nonostante la frequenza di questi quadri, le evidenze cliniche sono a favore di un trattamento del paziente anziano analogo a quello che si intraprende nel paziente più giovane, incluso un approccio invasivo precoce. Vi è peraltro da osservare che gli studi condotti nei pazienti anziani non hanno incluso i più fragili o quelli con sindromi geriatriche avanzate. Sono necessari, perciò, ulteriori studi in questa popolazione che sta sempre più crescendo numericamente.


Association of statin pretreatment with presentation characteristics, infarct size and outcome in older patients with acute coronary syndrome: the Eldery ACS-2 trial.

Background: prior statin treatment has been shown to have favourable effects on shortand long-term prognosis in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). There are limited data in older patients. The aim of this study was to investigate the association of previous statin therapy and presentation characteristics, infarct size and clinical outcome in older patients, with or without atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), included in the Elderly-ACS 2 trial.

Methods: data on statin use pre-admission were available for 1,192 of the 1,443 patients enrolled in the original trial. Of these, 531 (44.5%) were already taking statins. Patients were stratified based on established ASCVD and statin therapy. ACS was classified as non-ST elevation or ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Infarct size was measured by peak creatine kinase MB (CK-MB). All-cause death in-hospital and within 1 year were the major end points.

Results: there was a significantly lower frequency of STEMI in statin patients, in both ASCVD and No-ASCVD groups. Peak CK-MB levels were lower in statin users (10 versus 25 ng/ml, P< 0.0001). There was lower all-cause death in-hospital and within 1 year for subjects with ASCVD already on statins independent of other baseline variables. There were no differences in all-cause death for No-ASCVD patients whether or not on statins. Conclusions: statin pretreatment was associated with more favourable ACS presentation and lower myocardial damage in older ACS patients both ASCVD and No-ASCVD. The incidence of all-cause death (in-hospital and within 1 year) was significantly lower in the statin treated ASCVD patients.

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