
Riduzione di eventi cardiovascolari con le statine: è tempo di una analisi “revisionista”?

Le statine sono un caposaldo importante della prevenzione primaria e secondaria delle vasculopatie su base aterosclerotica. Le meta-analisi della Cholesterol Treatment Trialists’ (CTT) collaboration hanno mostrato una relazione logaritmico/lineare tra riduzione di colesterolo LDL e diminuzione del rischio relativo (RRR) degli eventi cardiovascolari. Una riduzione di colesterolo LDL di 38.7 mg/Dl comporta una diminuzione del 21% degli eventi vascolari maggiori e del 10% della mortalità per ogni causa. Tuttavia, queste analisi si riferiscono a endpoint compositi che spesso includono componenti soggettive, quali la necessità di rivascolarizzazione. Inoltre, riportare i dati come RRR e non fornire contestualmente anche la riduzione del rischio assoluto (ARR) non esprime compiutamente la portata clinica dell’intervento farmacologico.


Effetti di alirocumab associato a statine ad alta intensità sulla composizione delle placche coronariche.

L’efficacia di alirocumab, un inibitore del PCSK9, nel ridurre il colesterolo LDL e gli eventi ischemici, inclusa la mortalità globale, è stata dimostrata nello studio ODYSSEY OUTCOMES (vedi Journal Map n. 5) in pazienti con anamnesi positiva per sindrome coronarica acuta (ACS). Non è noto, tuttavia, se questi effetti terapeutici favorevoli si esplichino anche attraverso una modificazione della composizione delle placche coronariche, rese meno “vulnerabili” dall’utilizzo di questi farmaci.


Association of statin pretreatment with presentation characteristics, infarct size and outcome in older patients with acute coronary syndrome: the Eldery ACS-2 trial.

Background: prior statin treatment has been shown to have favourable effects on shortand long-term prognosis in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). There are limited data in older patients. The aim of this study was to investigate the association of previous statin therapy and presentation characteristics, infarct size and clinical outcome in older patients, with or without atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), included in the Elderly-ACS 2 trial.

Methods: data on statin use pre-admission were available for 1,192 of the 1,443 patients enrolled in the original trial. Of these, 531 (44.5%) were already taking statins. Patients were stratified based on established ASCVD and statin therapy. ACS was classified as non-ST elevation or ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Infarct size was measured by peak creatine kinase MB (CK-MB). All-cause death in-hospital and within 1 year were the major end points.

Results: there was a significantly lower frequency of STEMI in statin patients, in both ASCVD and No-ASCVD groups. Peak CK-MB levels were lower in statin users (10 versus 25 ng/ml, P< 0.0001). There was lower all-cause death in-hospital and within 1 year for subjects with ASCVD already on statins independent of other baseline variables. There were no differences in all-cause death for No-ASCVD patients whether or not on statins. Conclusions: statin pretreatment was associated with more favourable ACS presentation and lower myocardial damage in older ACS patients both ASCVD and No-ASCVD. The incidence of all-cause death (in-hospital and within 1 year) was significantly lower in the statin treated ASCVD patients.

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