stent coronarico

Meno stent e più palloni medicati: come potrebbe cambiare la PCI nei pazienti multivasali

L’uso di stent multipli e stent lunghi (anche in era DES di nuova generazione) durante le procedure di PCI, soprattutto nei pazienti multivasali, comporta un aumento di trombosi e di “target vessel failure” (TVF), cioè un composito di morte cardiaca, infarto miocardico e necessità di nuova rivascolarizzazione correlata al vaso trattato. Una strategia che utilizzi con parsimonia i DES e per alcune lesioni i “drug-coated balloons” (DCB), è stata proposta come alternativa all’uso estensivo di DES, ma mancano dati provenienti da ampie casistiche e da studi di confronto tra le due strategie.


Configuration of two-stent coronary bifurcation techniques in explanted beating hearts: the MOBBEM study

Background: In patients with complex coronary bifurcation lesions undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), various 2-stent techniques might be utilised. The Visible Heart Laboratories (VHL) offer an experimental environment where PCI results can be assessed by multimodality imaging.

Aims: We aimed to assess the post-PCI stent configuration achieved by 2-stent techniques in the VHL and to evaluate the procedural factors associated with suboptimal results.

Methods: Bifurcation PCI with 2-stent techniques, performed by expert operators in the VHL on explanted beating swine hearts, was studied. The adopted bifurcation PCI strategy and the specific procedural steps applied in each procedure were classified according to Main, Across, Distal, Side (MADS)-2 and to their adherence to the European Bifurcation Club (EBC) recommendations. Microcomputed tomography (micro-CT) was used to assess the post-PCI stent configuration. The primary endpoint was “suboptimal stent implantation”, defined as a composite of stent underexpansion (<90%), side branch ostial area stenosis >50% and the gap between stents.

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