
Possiamo dare l’addio all’ASA nel trattamento della sindrome coronarica acuta?

Una serie di studi recenti ha dimostrato la sicurezza di strategie farmacologiche basate su breve durata di doppia terapia antipiastrinica (DAPT) dopo sindrome coronarica acuta (ACS) e successivo trattamento con monoterapia basata su inibitore del recettore piastrinico P2Y12. . Tuttavia nessuno studio ha sperimentato una strategia “ASA”, basata su una monoterapia immediata con un inibitore del recettore P2Y12, senza una fase iniziale di DAPT.


De-escalation or abbreviation of dual antiplatelet therapy in acute coronary syndromes and percutaneous coronary intervention: a Consensus Statement from an international expert panel on coronary thrombosis.

Documento di consenso di un panel di esperti di trombosi coronarica volto a fare chiarezza su due strategie di doppia antiaggregazione piastrinica utilizzate quali alternative (“short DAPT”, “de-escalation”) alla durata standard della DAPT di 12 mesi, ribadita quale prima scelta nei pazienti con sindrome coronarica acuta nelle ultime Linee Guida ESC.


P2Y12 Inhibitor or Aspirin Monotherapy for Secondary Prevention of Coronary Events.

Background: ASA is the only antiplatelet agent with a Class I recommendation for long-term prevention of cardiovascular events in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). There is inconsistent evidence on how it compares with alternative antiplatelet agents.

Methods: We conducted a patient-level metaanalysis of randomized trials comparing P2Y12 inhibitor monotherapy vs ASA monotherapy for the prevention of cardiovascular events in patients with established CAD. The primary outcome was the composite of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, and stroke. Prespecified key secondary outcomes were major bleeding and net adverse clinical events (the composite of the primary outcome and major bleeding). Data were pooled in a 1-step meta-analysis.

Results: Patient-level data were obtained from 7 trials. Overall, 24,325 participants were available for analysis, including 12,178 patients assigned to receive P2Y12 inhibitor monotherapy (clopidogrel in 7,545 [62.0%], ticagrelor in 4,633 [38.0%]) and 12,147 assigned to receive ASA. Risk of the primary outcome was lower with P2Y12 inhibitor monotherapy compared with ASA over 2 years (HR: 0.88; 95% CI: 0.79-0.97; P=0.012), mainly owing to less myocardial infarction (HR: 0.77; 95% CI: 0.66-0.90; P<0.001). Major bleeding was similar (HR: 0.87; 95% CI: 0.70-1.09; P=0.23) and net adverse clinical events were lower (HR: 0.89; 95% CI: 0.81-0.98; P=0.020) with P2Y12 inhibitors. The treatment effect was consistent across prespecified subgroups and types of P2Y12 inhibitors.


Great debate: triple antithrombotic therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation undergoing coronary stenting should be limited to 1 week.

Cinque trial hanno confrontato doppia terapia antitrombotica (DAT: anticoagulante associato a inibitore P2Y12), rispetto alla triplice terapia antitrombotica (TAT: anticoagulante associato ad ASA e inibitore P2Y12) e cioè WOEST; REDUAL, PIONEER AF-PCI; ENTRUST-AF PCI; AUGUSTUS. La meta-analisi di questi studi ha mostrato una riduzione del 50% del rischio di bleeding clinicamente rilevanti nei pazienti in DAT rispetto a quelli in TAT [hazard ratio (HR 0.56, 95% CI 0.39–0.80)] senza significativo incremento degli eventi avversi cardiovascolari (HR 1.07; 95% CI 0.94–1.22).


P2Y12 Inhibitor Monotherapy or Dual Antiplatelet Therapy After Complex Percutaneous Coronary Interventions

Background: It remains unclear whether P2Y12 inhibitor monotherapy preserves ischemic protection, while limiting bleeding risk compared with dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) after complex percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).

Objectives: We sought to assess the effects of P2Y12 inhibitor monotherapy after 1-month to 3-month DAPT vs standard DAPT in relation to PCI complexity.

Methods: We pooled patient-level data from randomized controlled trials comparing P2Y12 inhibitor monotherapy and standard DAPT on centrally adjudicated outcomes after coronary revascularization. Complex PCI was defined as any of 6 criteria: 3 vessels treated, ≥3 stents implanted, ≥3 lesions treated, bifurcation with 2 stents implanted, total stent length >60 mm, or chronic total occlusion. The primary efficacy endpoint was all-cause mortality, myocardial infarction, and stroke. The key safety endpoint was Bleeding Academic Research Consortium (BARC) 3 or 5 bleeding.


Safety and efficacy of different P2Y12 inhibitors in patients with acute coronary syndromes stratified by the PRAISE risk score: a multicentre study.

Aims: To establish the safety and efficacy of different dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) combinations in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) according to their baseline ischaemic and bleeding risk estimated with a machine learning derived model [machine learning-based prediction of adverse events following an acute coronary syndrome (PRAISE) score].


Ticagrelor o clopidogrel nelle sindromi coronariche acute? dati del mondo reale.

La scelta dell’inibitore del recettore P2Y12 da associare all’ASA nei pazienti con sindrome coronarica acuta (ACS), è tuttora oggetto di controversia. Lo studio PLATO, pubblicato nel 2009, ha mostrato che ticagrelor rispetto a clopidogrel ha ridotto gli eventi trombotici e la mortalità cardiovascolare, pur aumentando contemporaneamente le complicanze emorragiche. Tuttavia, studi e analisi successive non hanno confermato tale superiorità. Inoltre, i pazienti inseriti nei trial hanno caratteristiche cliniche e angiografiche differenti da quelli osservati nel mondo reale. Pare perciò necessaria una conferma dei risultati dei trial utilizzando dati osservazionali.


Ticagrelor Monotherapy or Dual Antiplatelet Therapy After Drug-Eluting Stent Implantation: Per-Protocol Analysis of the GLOBAL LEADERS Trial.

Background: In the GLOBAL LEADERS trial, ticagrelor monotherapy beyond 1 month compared with standard antiplatelet regimens after coronary stent implantation did not improve outcomes at intention-to-treat analysis. Considerable differences in treatment adherence between the experimental and control groups may have affected the intention-to-treat results. In this reanalysis of the GLOBAL LEADERS trial, we compared the experimental and control treatment strategies in a per-protocol analysis of patients who did not deviate from the study protocol.

Methods and results: Baseline and postrandomization information were used to classify whether and when patients were deviating from the study protocol. With logistic regressions, we derived time-varying inverse probabilities of nondeviation from protocol to reconstruct the trial population without protocol deviation. The primary endpoint was a composite of all-cause mortality or nonfatal Q-wave myocardial infarction at 2 years. At 2-year follow-up, 1.103 (13.8%) of 7.980 patients in the experimental group and 785 (9.8%) of 7.988 patients in the control group qualified as protocol deviators. At per-protocol analysis, the rate ratio for the primary endpoint was 0.88 (95% CI, 0.75-1.03; p=0.10) on the basis of 274 versus 325 events in the experimental versus control group. The rate ratio for the key safety endpoint of major bleeding was 1.00 (95% CI, 0.79-1.26; p=0.99). The per-protocol and intention-to-treat effect estimates were overall consistent.

Conclusions: Among patients who complied with the study protocol in the GLOBAL LEADERS trial, ticagrelor plus ASA for 1 month followed by ticagrelor monotherapy was not superior to 1-year standard dual antiplatelet therapy followed by ASA alone at 2 years after coronary stenting.


Short dual antiplatelet therapy followed by P2Y12 inhibitor monotherapy vs. prolonged dual antiplatelet therapy after percutaneous coronary intervention with second-generation drug-eluting stents: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials.

Abstract Aims: After percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with second-generation drug-eluting stent (DES), whether short dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) followed by single antiplatelet therapy (SAPT) with

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